Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2 | MBS Hanging

Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2

Product 1

Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2

SKU: 171-002-3-K2
Unit Price$10.20
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Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2

SKU: 171-002-3-K2
Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2
Button Marker Type 1 The Button Marker for Type 1 helps to quickly and accurately align the Button-fix installation, reducing the need for measuring and marking out. Snap a marker into each Fix, then position the second panel and press firmly. The marker points will leave indents in the panel surface, which can be used as pilot guides for the Buttons.

Button Fix Type 1 Bracket Button Marker Tool Guide Kit Connecting Panels x2

SKU: 171-002-3-K2
Sku 171-002-3-K2
Product Type Tools
Quantity Per Set 2