About MBS Sign Supply | MBS Hanging

About MBS Sign Supply


What is Mbs Signsupply return policy?

At Mbs Signsupply we understand that there can be issues that arise when an order is placed. We take pride in our products and stand behind them 100%; but if at any time you are dissatisfied with our product or need to return any items please make note of the following return policy and procedures:

Please note that items returned damaged are not eligible for credit

When my order is placed online is my credit card information secure?

Online credit card purchases are processed through Authorize.net. Authorize.net is one of the best and most secure providers for processing credit card charges through the internet. They are a third party vendor and we do not have access to the card information from this vendor. We do recommend that you clear your cookies and make sure that you have a secure internet connection when placing your order. This is because we cannot control what happens between your system and ours when the order is processed.

Can orders be shipped out of the United States?

Yes, we can ship orders internationally. International orders must be placed by phone at 813-938-6025 or by email at sales@mbs-standoffs.com. When placing an international order please provide us with all your company and order information so that we may quote you properly. All orders will be shipped via DHL. We do accept third party carriers as long as you provide the shipping details. All international orders must be paid via wire transfer.


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