Office Branding Strategies - Using Reception and Wayfinding Signage that Works | MBS Hanging

Office Branding Strategies - Using Reception and Wayfinding Signage that Works

Full Name: 
Dave Prom

While brand building is predominantly about enhancing the quality of products and creating memorable advertising campaign, keep in mind it can also refer to tweaks you can do at the office. With the right design upgrades made to your office, you can actually take your branding efforts on a different level and create a whole new personality for your business.

Create reception signs that welcome customers

Reception and welcome signage are the first impressions customers make on your office. Appropriate signs set the tone for an effective customer engagement that can translate to interest, inquiries and even sales. Reception signage works, and it should be properly designed and worded. A good start is to design reception signs that inform customers about the basics of your business- your business name and what you offer. But more than the information that it offers, reception signage should be engaging and welcoming enough for guests and customers.

What you put in front of your building or in the reception area will have a say on how they will perceive your brand. Whether you are hoping to build a brand message that says ‘corporate and serious’ or ‘hip and young’, you can make it happen by designing reception signage and other visuals that can capture your corporate or business message.

Design office room labels and wayfinding signage

Customer experience doesn't end at the reception area. What customers see and observe inside the office will also impact their impression on your business. Have you visited an office where you don’t feel welcome and there are no signage that tells you the location of certain buildings, offices and stations? Failure to attend to wayfinding and informational signage can leave the wrong impressions among guests and customers. Pay attention to customer needs and requirements and make it a point install informational and wayfinding signs that can inform guests where they are, and direct them to the offices they want to visit. 

There are different wayfinding and informational signage that you can use, from suspended signs to glass signage that can be fitted on walls or doors. Suspended signs are great for hallways, and glass signs in curved and flat designs are great on walls and doors. Use glass signs to indicate the room number, the important persons who occupy the room and its purpose.

Building your brand doesn't end with the traditional marketing approaches; you can also count on other creative ways on how to make an impression. And office signage, from reception signs to wall signage serve as the perfect complement to your traditional marketing efforts. Office signage informs, welcome customers and serves as an important component in positive customer engagement.