If You Need to Make a Sign ... | MBS Hanging

If You Need to Make a Sign ...

Full Name: 
Jason Molina

We are quite proud of our work at providing great-looking standoffs for your various signage in your office or building, but we also know that there are lots of signs out there that have yet to be made.

Whether it's a house for sale sign, a sign announcing a yard sale, or a campaign sign in support of a political candidate, there seems to always be a need for a sign to be made. If you are currently looking to make such a sign for your own use or purpose, we have a couple quick and dirty tips to help the process go more smoothly for you.

First of all, you should probably pick the sign material - what will the printing be printed on? For signs like we mentioned above, getting a strong vinyl would be a good idea - something that does nto tear easily in strong winds or heavy use, but one that is pliable and light. If possible and you are allowed to use wood, that would be even better (though some cities and/or counties have regulations regarding sign materials, so make sure you check).

Second, find a good stake for your sign. This can either be a strong, sturdy wood or metal. Once you have your materials, you will need to design a sign, and that is important as much as the materials. You may need to work with a graphic designer or have very good software on your computer to help you visualize the right font type and size to be easily readable, as well as the color scheme that will work best for what you are trying to accomplish.

The key is to not be too fancy that people who see your sign miss the message. Signage is much more about substance than style, so when in doubt, it's best to keep it simple.