Desktop Table Standoffs | MBS Hanging

Desktop Table Standoffs

Full Name: 
Arthur Martin

Standoffs work beautifully to project signage from both interior and exterior walls, and rod and cable systems serve an invaluable purpose of suspending signs from overhead. Projection signs extend from walls to capture attention from oncoming traffic, and all serve a wonderful purpose in their own rite. Sometimes, there is a need for signage that will rest upon a surface like a shelf or table top, and that is when you can reliably depend on desktop table standoffs to do the work.

Stylishly constructed from the highest quality stainless steel, these desktop table standoffs come in different styles, to compliment your particular taste. For instance, one is cut on a diagonal angle, which rests directly upon the table, and another features a pointed end, which has just enough of a decrease to allow for stability and style. They can be used to mount signs as thick as up to 9 mm, or ⅜”.

For larger desktop or table signs, there are material connectors, which work in conjunction with the base standoffs, and serve to create more stability, while giving a distinctly fashionable appearance. The typical signs that work with these standoffs are made of paper and held between two thin sheets of acrylic, or thin glass that has been engraved, which creates a very sleek look.

These desktop table standoffs work well in applications where smaller signs are needed in specific areas, to provide directives to everyone. Because they can be placed on top of a surface, they can be used for signs which are located right next to items that might be in need of some clarification. They could support guest’s sign-in directions, restaurant menus, meeting agendas and much more. And as they are fully accessible, it’s easier to switch out the particular signage as new information comes along to replace it. They can be used to display signs that provide descriptives for shelved items as well as tabletop items. Many people use them to display their business cards, as a nameplate on their desks.

Whatever the application may be, there’s sure to be somewhere that anyone can use a few desktop table standoffs.